
Organized by

Eligibility for competing in this tournament will be as follows:

-You are not allowed to leave your league.

-You must turn up 20 minutes before the tournament starts.

-You must be ranked diamond 2 or below in the current 1v1 ladder season.

-You need to have 25 1v1 ladder games played in the account you are using to participate in the tournament.

Time: February 24th | Saturday | 7 PM EST  

Format : The tournament will be held in a RO16 / RO32 (Depending on the number of people signed up) single elimination bracket with all matches being a Bo3 (Best of 3) except for the finals which will be a Bo5 (Best of 5)

  • All games are Bo3 except for the final which is a bo5

  • Mappool: Current Map Pool

  • Maps and map orders are determined by the following rules:

              2 vetoes for each player in Bo3: A B A B with A being the upper player in the bracket

              Then picking the map order starting with player A: A B C with C being the Map that has not been vetoed or chosen                  by the players


  • Have fun!!!

  • Players races cannot be changed throughout a series. A player may chose to pick another race after a finished series. The desired race MUST be announced clearly to the opponent before the veto for a series starts. Random counts as race.

  • Default waiting time is 15 minutes if a match is ready to play, unless both opponents agree on something else. If that is the case, it must be made known to the admin via /whisper ingame, or on Discord! Admin is PhoenixTears! However, if the bracket is being delayed for an unreasonable amount of time, it is in the admins discretion to revoke that agreement to guarantee a smooth tournament.
  • Default server is the NAserver. If both opponents agree to play on a different server, this decision MUST be made known on Discord OR via ingame PM to PhoenixTears. You do not have to wait for approval, we just want to know in case we are looking for players.

  • Semi finals and finals are casted, so even if you are ready to play, please wait for the caster(s).

  • Make sure your privacy settings allow others to contact you.

  • Please use Discord to bring up any concerns or questions during the games.

  • Third party software that provides any sort of advantage for the player using it (such as maphacks, production tab hacks and so on) is not allowed. Using that sort of cheat will result in immediate ban.

  • To have fun, sportsmanlike behaviour is expected from all participants towards each other, the admins and the caster(s). Excessive bad mannered behaviour will result in either a disqualification from the current event, a temporary ban, or a lifetime ban from JSL events, depending on the severity of misbehaviour. It is in the discretion of the tournament admin to determine what actions are to be taken. To report a player for unsportsmanlike behaviour, please provide proof in form of screenshots and/or replays containing the reported manners.
  • If you are having issues deciding which sub-server to play on, on the NA server, please contact PhoenixTears and he will help you with it! 
  • In the event of a disconnect players must restart from replay three seconds from when the disconnect happened. 




-Shadowrun Returns

-Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

1st place winner will get to choose 2 keys in total: 1 initially and 1 after the 

rest of the winners have chosen their keys, and will be rewarded with an 

opportunity to receive 1.5 hours of coaching from a JSL coach (Master level) 

from their respective race.

2nd place runner up will get to choose 1 key and 1.5 hours of coaching.

3rd and 4th place semi-finalists will get to choose 1 key and 1 hour coaching.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third














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